Monday 3 March 2014

P1. Use of music in film - legal considerations

Publishing Rights

Its where you create and write your own song and you publish it. Done that you own the song.

Recording Rights

How would you go about clearing a piece of music for use in films?

You can pay a sum of money to the owner of a song which is a 'buyout' therefore you don't have to pay royalties right every time you use that song in your sequence of film.

Can you use music in your film if the owner is dead?

No you can't unless you have paid for the rights and so on. But what you can do is use music from the owner who has died seventy years ago or more.

Incidental Music

Incidental music is also called score or soundtrack. This is what plays on the background of a scene which pretty much fills up the space and creates an emotion between the characters.
Incidental music is something the characters can't hear as its added after the scene of film is shot. This is only used to create meaning to the audience. 

Creative Commons


As long as they credit you for the original piece you are allowed to play around with the sound and do whatever you want with it.

Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA:

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND:

Anyone can use this as long as you get credit for this.

Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC:

Anyone can use this and play around with it but it is used for non commercial stuff, therefore if you wrote a song it can't be used in a film or anything where someone else gets money out of it.

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA:

Anyone can use this and play around with it but it can't be used commercially either unless you get credit for it and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND:

This is the most restrictive one out of the six and people can download your stuff and share it with people yet they can't charge you for using it.

Even if the composer is dead you cannot whatsoever use their piece as you still have to pay rights for publishing and whoever performed it.

Incidental Music:
Incidental music is the kind of music tat is created for a film or a play and it is played on the background of a situation to create or enhance an specific atmosphere.

It is often use in tv series, films and even video games. The term used for this is often called a 'soundtrack' or 'score'

Friday 28 February 2014

P.1 Dark Knight- Composing music

Hans Zimmer made the soundtrack and Christopher Nolan listened to the whole piece of music Hans did and said that the soundtrack was in that piece somewhere.
Hans used razor to create some of the sounds along with some guitar into it.

Hans said wanted to make something scary and something that will everyone hate for when the joker comes on the screen. 
There wasn't a limit of how dark the theme song would be. If hans made a really dark theme Christopher would just push him to make it even more darker so there was no conflict between them two when it came to creating a theme song or the film.
Zimmer said that he had the idea of using razzorblades, piano wire and pencil tapping floors and tables.
Noa stated that Zimmer knew the characters really well and he had a really well understatement of punk and the feel of the characters.

I personally think that the final soundtrack works great because it sounds mysterious and at the same time it creates an eerie atmosphere and makes you feel somehow uncomfortable.
He managed to do what he wanted great.

P.1 Schedule

Tuesday 11 February 2014

P.1 Premiere Pro

The project it is nearly doe and as you can see i have added a lot of audio into this project such as audio, dialogue, music and ambient music.
I have made the title which starts off the screen and ends off the screen too. It doesn't drag on for too long but it gives enough time for people to be able to read it which is what i wanted.

P.1 After Effects 2

The first thing i did was to duplicated the layer of the clip so i could draw a mask around it with the rotobrush tool which works exactly the same as the pen tool but it makes it easier to select something. 
I then added the effect of glow to make it glow (on the new layer)
I changed the colour of the glow and also adjusted the radius and so on to make it look how i wanted it to look
Also i made it smooth and blur on the edges as they were a bit rough and it didn't look natural.
Also i played around with the feather and the opacity and i didn't want jasper's hand glowing for the whole clip, i only needed it to glow right at the end.