Friday 28 February 2014

P.1 Dark Knight- Composing music

Hans Zimmer made the soundtrack and Christopher Nolan listened to the whole piece of music Hans did and said that the soundtrack was in that piece somewhere.
Hans used razor to create some of the sounds along with some guitar into it.

Hans said wanted to make something scary and something that will everyone hate for when the joker comes on the screen. 
There wasn't a limit of how dark the theme song would be. If hans made a really dark theme Christopher would just push him to make it even more darker so there was no conflict between them two when it came to creating a theme song or the film.
Zimmer said that he had the idea of using razzorblades, piano wire and pencil tapping floors and tables.
Noa stated that Zimmer knew the characters really well and he had a really well understatement of punk and the feel of the characters.

I personally think that the final soundtrack works great because it sounds mysterious and at the same time it creates an eerie atmosphere and makes you feel somehow uncomfortable.
He managed to do what he wanted great.

P.1 Schedule

Tuesday 11 February 2014

P.1 Premiere Pro

The project it is nearly doe and as you can see i have added a lot of audio into this project such as audio, dialogue, music and ambient music.
I have made the title which starts off the screen and ends off the screen too. It doesn't drag on for too long but it gives enough time for people to be able to read it which is what i wanted.

P.1 After Effects 2

The first thing i did was to duplicated the layer of the clip so i could draw a mask around it with the rotobrush tool which works exactly the same as the pen tool but it makes it easier to select something. 
I then added the effect of glow to make it glow (on the new layer)
I changed the colour of the glow and also adjusted the radius and so on to make it look how i wanted it to look
Also i made it smooth and blur on the edges as they were a bit rough and it didn't look natural.
Also i played around with the feather and the opacity and i didn't want jasper's hand glowing for the whole clip, i only needed it to glow right at the end.

Monday 10 February 2014

P.1 After Effects

This is one of my effects which the functio of thi is to have the bubbles appearing one by one as you can see in the images below.
 I out the first bubble first by putting the opacity to 0% then whenever i wanted the first bubble to appear i will move the opacity up for example to 60% as i didnt want it to go up to 100% as it looked a bit fake.
 Then after the first bubble appears, i changed the opacity of the second bubble. I did exactly the same process for the second bubble.
I changed the opacity for this one after the first bubble has appeared to give it the effect of a thought coming.
For the last one i did exactly the same process but changing the opacity later on when the clip is about to end.

P.1 Progress of the power of the mind project

Monday 3 February 2014

P.1 Organising files

P.1 Appraising the rough cut


I added some sound effects such as the clock ticking, the background noise, the pen scribbling on the piece of paper etc... I think that worked well as it was on time with the action that was happening on the scene and you could understand what you were listening to and it made the atmosphere complete.
What i need to do is add the rest of the dialogue as there are some dialogue from the girl missing as we recorded the sound right after the deadline.

Special Effects

The strengths of the after effects being used in my project is that it worked well and it flowed with the story line so the after effect didn't come out of nowhere. The weakness is that there is not sound to it yet therefore its all quiet when it happens so its not as effective. 


The set dressing was the same for all the clips therefore it made sense, i personally think the acting was okay, none of them took drama therefore we weren;t expecting professional but it turned out better than i thought it would. The narrative will make sense after i've added all the clips as there was some clips missing when the rough cut was shown. It is entertaining as there was different variety of shots and most of them are quick so you're not staring at the same scene for ages as that could get quiet boring.