Friday 11 October 2013

P.1 Dday With Mobas


They care about your brand and your marketing and they will help you give your brand a future and they will also take responsibility and give you their opinion about your brand.
They actually work close to their client which is why they're different.

1. What we did yesterday was a day full of activities right after a presentation from Pete about Mobas and what they do for the Company and how theres so many things you dont actually think about when it coes to representing your brand.
We had to create our own clothing brand. My group did onesies and we thought it would be a cool idea and different from everyone else's and we all like onesies and we had great ideas about what to do.
I created the logo which was '1zee'on an orange background as not a lot of websites have chosen the colour orange.
Also i created a facebook page for it and posted pic of onesies on the site and invited people to it.
My team mates made the website, the apps etc...
Then finally we had to do a presentation about our whole things and why would people want to buy our onesies and what are the benefits of having one. Also how to access the company such as email, facebook, twitter etc...
We made sure we had a big variety of social media as its really important nowadays.

2. Yesterday i learned that social media is a really strong thing as every brand is forced to have a large variety of social media as its used by a lot of people and its easier than having to call or actually get down to the store. I also noticed that theres people i dont talk to much as theyre not in my media class anymore and ive missed as we knew each other it was easy to discuss ideas and to work as a team as we were a great team last year. I also knew who was good for doing what such as josh is really good at drawing so i thought he could do the apps as hes the best person to draw as he draws nicely and neat.

3. Ask more question about the Company as it actually is an important thing to think about as i want to study media further on.

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