Wednesday, 13 November 2013

P.1 Research into Recording Ambient Sounds and Dialogue

Recording Ambient Sound:

Ambient sound recording is the noise you can hear on the background without having any character interrupt it. Such as when you can hear the birds tweeting and the wind. That is ambient sound but it stops being ambient sound when you can hear someone footsteps. 
Ambient sound is very important in film as it creates continuity in films between shots so there is not rough sound cut to mess up the sequence.
Its also important because it creates an atmosphere to the audience and helps them get into the characters body as you can hear exactly what they can hear.

The advantage of recording ambient sound while filming is that you are going to get exactly what is in the scene and at the exact same time as the action happen so you don't have to worry about getting the sound you need from the library such as in free and make sure the sound fits the video on premiere pro.
Hard cuts should be used between two shots because it would jump and would not flow therefore the sons would change dramatically and it would look like like there was no effort put in it.

Recording dialogue:

Recording dialogue is important while shooting a conversation because you get the character talking at the same time as the dialogue is playing and also you get the ambient sound which make it look more complete instead of just having the clip and recording the dialogue and adding it to the sequence.
Also if you do that you have to make sure it links well.

Looping consists on the characters looking at their original clip and them recording themselves talking to make sure they get the dialogue at the same time as the clip to make it flow naturally.
Location shooting might be hard to capture as the characters might be too far away from the character and you might not be able to hear what they are saying. To solve this problem the best thing to do its record the original clip with just ambient sound and then record what the character says with a microphone and add the two sounds. The dialogue and the ambient sound together to make it flow.

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