Wednesday 27 November 2013

P.1 After Effects Alex's hand

This is my video which i have made ussing after effects and following a tutorial on youtube:

What i did first of all was make sure i could get the flame as it would have been pointless me going through all the proccess and then realise that i couldnt finish it.
After that what i did was drag the hand video on to the timeline to make a composition.
Then i selected the clip and clicked on 'window' 'tracker controls' and finally i clicked on 'track motion' which is a little box that appears on the right bottom corner of the screen.
Which made two squares come up and i adjusted the big square first then the second one. After i placed it on the hand where i wanted the flame or the firework in this case to be.
then i went to 'layer' 'new' 'null object'
after that i clicked on edit target at the right bottom corner of the screen and i pressed the play button which pretty much tracked the hand.
i went to and got the firework from there.
I also added this clip to the timeline, i put it between the hand video and the null object. Which came up with a black background that i did not want.
So to get rid of it i changed the mode to add.
Selecting the flame layer go to 'effect; ;colour correction' then finally to curves and i just played around the curves to make it look nicer and more realistic.
'effect' 'blur and sharp' 'sharpen' then again just played around and see what i could get out of it.
'layer' 'new' 'solid' i named it 'orange glow' chose an orange colour and just grabbed the pen tool and roughly went around the firework and the hand. i placed this layer underneath the dull object one.
i played around with the feather and the opacity as i didnt want a weird shape right on top of my hand and firework.
I also changed the orange glow mode to 'add'
'effect' 'style ' glow' 
Glow based on : changed it to Alpha Channel. Then i just played around with everything i could until i found exactly what i wanted it to look like.
That is it, i then exported it and uploaded it to youtube.

I didn't go out filming instead i used the mac to record a hand. It was tricky as the hand moved and as i did the fireworks instead of the flame. It didn't look that real which it was a bit annoying but I'm quite happy as this is my first project on after effects on my own. 

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