Sunday 10 November 2013

P.1 superhero

The Power Of Love

Hero: Robyn Stewart, a 16 year old girl with a mysterious personality. She is pale as the snow in winter.Her black long wavy hair covered her beautiful big green eyes and made her look different to the other girls at College. She stands out to the other blonde girls witj silky hair.

Opportunity: She has the opportunity to get rid of her powers and become a normal girl just like all the other girls at College. She just wished she could control her powers, they were too strong for her to control them which is why she got kicked out of her old school. She hated being different, no one ever wanted to talk to her because everyone called her a 'freak' just because she didn't socialise with anyone and live in a big ruined house.

Goal: Her goal is to have a normal life and have friends like everyone else does. She wanted to being able to control her powers or get rid of them but being able to keep the guy that's been after her since she first came.

Conflict: Her father told her not to make friends with the mortals but she didn't listen. Now she has to move to America for disrespecting her family. That would mean moving to a different school and try to have a normal life without making any friends. She will keep her powers but she will lose the guy she loves unless she decides to do something about it.


  1. I like the idea of someone who wants to become human than having powers as its original and I haven't seen anything like it :D But I wanted to know what were her powers are? How did her superpowers get her kicked out? (did she zap someone into dust?) How did she meet this guy if nobody liked her?

  2. I like how you have reversed the normal expectations of a supernatural film (powers). What does she have to do to get rid of her powers? What did she do to make her father make her move to America. I like how you mixed romance with a supernatural background which creates a stronger meaning for why she wants to get rid of her powers e.g. to be able to fall in love and be happy.
