Wednesday 8 January 2014

P.1 Casting Sheet Notes

Jaspes is going to be played by Louis Davis.
We did an audition for Jasper as we weren't sure who would be more suitable for the role.
We are looking for an average height young man with black hair.
Louis was more suitable for this role as he has black hair and josh doesnt.

Ruby is going to be played Georgette.
We are looking for a young girl that seems nice and kind and also has green eyes and ginger hair.
Georgette is the most suitable girl we have found who is available and willing to do this role.

Miss Barlow.
We are looking for a girl thats quite tall and seems strict but nice at the same time who is also ginger.
we found a girl with brown hair and she seemed nice therefore she suited the role.

Extra 1.
We were looking for a guy who can stare without laughing.
We found Anthony who will do this role as we liked the way he stares.

Extra 2.
We were looking for a girl that can stare infront of a camera.

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