Monday 27 January 2014

P.1 Premiere Pro

 I have turned the volume off as im going to get sounds from and we are going to record their voices with a microphone and then add it on onto our timeline therefore you cant hear the noises on the background.
 I added some sounds from the website and also some parts of the conversation but we still need to record some sounds and also record some footage which is why i have left a gap in between.
The noises on the background from is the first clip on audio 4 which i have used the pen tool to make it louder and bring it down again depending if there was someone talking. Also the first clip on audio 6 is the sound of Ruby writing on the piece of paper. The first one on audio 5 is the clock ticking on the wall. 
So every clip i thought it had sound or could have some sound to make it more dramatic ive added it.

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